One of our core beliefs is in the education of the lay person on all things turtle. We love our shelled friends and want to make sure others know the best way to help them continue to thrive, both in the wild and in captivity. All we do is turtles and tortoises and therefore we offer a very unique exhibit that brings together more species than most zoos exhibit! During our interactive, customized, presentations, you will see turtles from all over the world! We offer the chance to see and touch turtles that most people have never even heard of. Each presentation is customized to the interests, age level, and size of the crowd. All exhibits discuss what to do if you find a turtle in the wild, proper care for turtles and tortoises, and offer the chance to interact with multiple species. Visit out Live Animals pages (currently under construction) to see an example of the turtle species we have here at Turtle Towns.
We offer presentations for children of all ages, and adults too! We would be glad to come to your birthday party, scout meeting, school, or business to share our knowledge and our collection with you! Contact us for more information.